The financial roller coaster we have been seeing for the past month or two is, I believe, foreshadowing the deep shift beginning to emerge. The growing challenges of peak ion, climate change and population growth are increasingly being felt in our days to days lives.
What I and others believe is happening in the economy is a renewed look at what is being called the emerging "Green Economy." This includes all the R&D and early manufacturing and sales of things like renewable energy systems, alternative transportation, health related businesses and green construction. It is estimated at a 100 billion dollar movement. Since it is known that we are at the end of the "cheap oil" stage of our societies development, we will be forced to adopt these new technologies. This way the early adopters have much to gain.
The world of sustainable development encompasses all these things. Essentially moving ahead with an eye to maintaining our high quality of life while learning to live on much less energy and dependence on foreign sources of energy. It will usher a life much more focused on things local for the most part. Things that can easily be done at a distance that are low energy, phone, email, 3-d virtual worlds, will continue under this new arrangement, but many other things like energy, food and transportation will become much stable close to home.
My grand parents grew up in small villages, my parents in large cities. I live in a mid-sized town, and I suspect my children will grow up in small villages. If humanity is able to look back on this period in our history, they will rightfully describe it as "the great awakening." We will have successfully re-learned how to live without non-renewable and sustainable forms of energy production.
This will be a time to celebrate fully.
Make it so...