After learning that 26 billion water bottles or 85% of discarded plastic water bottles in America are not recycled, I was excited to learn about the Wellness H2O Water Bottle made by Wellness Enterprises. The novel idea: an efficient, walnut-sized filter inside of a portable, 22-ounce recyclable water bottle. The water filter has a one-year life (150 gallons) before needing a replacement, and the bottle can be reused for years.
This is an environmental and health solution I can get behind. I am not contributing to landfills where plastic bottles take between 400 to 1,000 years to biodegrade. I am saving money with a $50 purchase and not repeatedly buying bottled water at the store. (The average American buys 1,100 disposable water bottles per year). And I can safely drink fresh-tasting water from any source (municipal tap water, streams, etc.) with heavy metals and other contaminants having been removed.
The last plus is the quality of the water itself. The filter contains two rare volcanic mineral from Japan. One has been revered in Japan for centuries for its natural resistance to bacteria and fungus. The other stone is certified by the Japanese Ministry of Health for its medicinal qualities to accelerate healing of damaged skin and reduce inflammation. According to David Fowler, President & CEO of Wellness Enterprises, when we drink water that has passed through the filter's medium the water gets enhanced with nutrients that make the water more alkaline. The more alkaline the water we drink, the better nutrients can penetrate and be absorbed by our blood cells. An alkaline internal terrain in the body has been linked to enhanced immunity, increased energy production, and brain function. More at: endbottledwater.com.
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