This simply underlines that people deep down inside are not just looking for stuff to console themselves but are enjoying the company of others and the gentle touch from a stranger. Community planners of past understood this and created central squares, plazas, and other gathering spots for its citizens. It is obvious to me that people go where people are, and it does not require spending huge sums of money to provide the motivation.
The dismal economic times are forcing us to choose methods of giving and entertaining ourselves that are not dependent on spending money we do not have, or collecting more stuff we do not really need.
My New Years wish is that we deepen this realization and refocus our time, energy, and resources toward creating neighborhoods and communities which encourage us to spend time together and allow the ancient benefits of strong community connections to make our lives rich and exciting.
1 comment:
It would cost the equivalent of 60 cents a gallon to charge and drive an electric car. The electricity to charge the car could come from solar or wind generated electricity. If all gasoline cars, trucks, and suv’s instead had plug-in electric drive trains, the amount of electricity needed to replace gasoline is about equal to the estimated wind energy potential of the state of North Dakota. Why don't we use some of the billions in bail out money to bail us out of our dependence on foreign oil?OPEC will continue to cut production until they achieve their desired 80-100 per barrel again. We are at their mercy. We really need to get on about the business of becoming energy independent. This past year and the record gas prices played a huge part in our economic meltdown and seriously damaged our economy and society.We keep planning to spend BILLIONS on bailouts and stimulus plans.Bail us out of our dependence on foreign oil. Make electric plug in car technology more affordable. I just read an amazing new book by Jeff Wilson called The Manhattan Project of 2009 Energy Independence Now. www.themanhattnaprojectof2009.com Create cheap clean energy, create millions of badly needed green collar jobs. Put America back to work. It is a win-win situation. We have to become more proactive citizens, educate ourselves and demand our elected officials move this country forward into the era of energy independence. We need to stop talking about becoming energy independent and do everything in our power to make it happen. We need to use some of those bailout billions to invest in America becoming Energy Independent!
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