Sunday, March 22, 2009

One Million Gardens

Given that the first days of Spring have officially arrived, I wanted to let you know about a an exciting national campaign to help stimulate the national move towards growing more of our food closer to home. As the economic challenges continue to grow, more and more Americans are considering getting involved in local food production. A spokesperson from the National Gardening Association recently mention that they expect Americans to plant up to 7,000,000 new food gardens this year.

As a way to help to accelerate this trend, just last month, the "One Million Gardens" campaign was launched.

The campaign's simple goal is:

To identify, encourage, and document the creation of at least 1,000,000 food gardens throughout the U.S. in 2009.

It is a 21st Century version of the Victory Garden campaign the Federal Government encouraged during World War 2 when over 20,000,000 gardens were planted as part of the War effort and associated rationing.

Please take a look at the site, add your garden to the list, and let others know about this campaign. It is also our hope that we can show the Obama administration the growing numbers of people involved in this work and help shift national policies to help encourage the production of more food closer to home.

Let's Get Growing!!!!!

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